Hello citizens of PriinceBriightNation,
If you follow me on socials (I'm only on Instagram and Twitter, by the way, and my handle on both platforms is @priincebriight), you already know I am a big fan of aesthetics. I love all things beauty, because what sane person doesn't, and to this effect, maintaining my outward glow is something of a priority to me. In this post, I'll be sharing some tricks to staying lit that I use, which have proven effective over time.
At the risk of implying that friends are meant to be used, moisturizers exist for a reason, people. Say you've just had a bath, and spent five minutes scrubbing your face with a sponge. You come out of the bathroom, smelling like strawberries and spring, and feeling very, very ... what's the word ... germ-less? Dis-germed? Germ-free? Oh, yeah, germ-free.
You come out of the bathroom smelling good, and feeling germ-free, slap on some clothes, and go about your business not bothering to moisturize at all. If this is your routine, you're actually doing yourself more harm than good! Here's why. Washing your face regularly is a healthy practice, but repeated, concentrated scrubbing washes off the sebaceous layer over your skin that serves as a protective coating, leaving it dry and scaly, which makes it more prone to cuts/bruises and breakouts. Moisturizers act as a replacement for that protective layer until the body works up another on its own. It's advisable to apply generous quantities of moisturizer daily to maintain a natural glow. I recommend the one I use, Neutrogena Refreshingly Clear Oil-Free Moisturiser, which you can purchase online and at local stores for about $10.36.
It's 2022, so at every bend and corner of every street, there's a store where you can conveniently buy junk. This can sometimes be a lifesaver - say, if you're in a haste to go to a job interview, but need to eat something real quick so you don't faint mid- interview - but if all you ever eat is junk, you'd likely be denying yourself the supplements the body needs for cell regeneration/repair. Considering that cells are quite literally what make you up, if they are all old and shriveled, guess what you'll look like outwardly.
Aaanyway, in relation to maintaining beauty, dieting commandments have it that you should eat the right kinds of foods that will help you age well. Included in this list are avocados, fresh tomatoes, greens and dark chocolate. (No, Tina, I mean real chocolate, not the cute neighbor that moved in next-door.) Mind you, while dieting alone won't necessarily make you look noticeably younger - there are several other factors that contribute to that as well - it is integral in determining whether or not you age gracefully.
I cannot over stress this - staying up all night, only to go to work in the morning on two hours of sleep looking like Shrek on a bad day is an absolute no-no, unless you're trying to look 40 at 23. Getting the required hours of sleep does a lot more than boost performance/productivity. The body works faster when we're asleep to rebuild collagen, and repair damages caused by UV exposure. These help reduce skin sagging and age spots, and translate to a younger, more radiant overall look. So get all eight hours of your Zzzs, and thank me by getting a friend or two to sign up on PriinceBriightNation.
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