Quite a rollercoaster it’s been, do you not agree?
From news about King Charles III having cancer, to Taylor Swift becoming the world’s first musician to attain billionaire status solely from music; and from unprecedented natural disasters in New York, New Jersey and Florida, to wars and rumors of wars amongst different nations; from Donald Trump winning the elections … again, to the P. Diddy and Jeffery Epstein scandals; from how global economies behaved as if people’s survival didn’t depend on them, to how massive Jenifa’s Dairy debuts turned out to be, no one could’ve possibly predicted 2024. But every rollercoaster ride must come to an end eventually, so we’re here in the last day of the year. And thankfully so, I might add.
8 billion people around the world — or whatever the global population currently is — experienced this year differently. And whether you barely hung on by a thread, or surpassed significant milestones all year long, you cannot deny that for most of the global population, it’s been a tough ride. But even this ending too is a beginning, and because 2025 is right around the corner, here are a few things you need to keep in mind to make sure that the new beginning is as seamless as can be for yourself and everyone around you.
Communication is a Two-way Street:
So what if the ‘air in your nostrils’ (gag me 🙄) forgot to send you a Happy New Year text? That doesn’t exactly mean he’s cheating on you with Becky from work. Okay, he probably is, and probably with more people than just Becky from work, but mostly because they don’t demand that he provides every luxury they desire merely because he’s the man in the relationship. So much for gender equality, am I right? Oh I’m only joking. (At least, I hope this is only a joke.) But if you don’t hear from him, initiate a conversation. Be the one to reach out. He’s human after all, and needs attention too.
Modern Day Thievery Is Overused Now, And No One Will Be Falling For It Come 2025
Where I come from, there’s a name for people who count other people’s pockets thinking they deserve it. That name is THIEF. So I’m sorry I’m not sorry for calling you out, but we’ve seen through your bs in 2024 and will no longer be condoning your undeserved expectations in the coming year. Need urgent 2K but don’t want to work for it? Then go on your knees and pray that four doves each bring you $500 in their beaks.
Butttttttt … if you’re a tall, slim, beautiful, dark skinned girl with all the right junk in all the right places, then you’ve every right to take all my money. Yes, all $3 in my five bank accounts combined. I’m generous like that.
Killing People Who Wreck Your Inner Peace is Still Illegal
… so just slap them on both cheeks at the same time instead. Do NOT take this advice if
(a) Prison orange is not your color
(b) You’re not a fast runner, or
(c) If said person is Mike Tyson.
I won’t have you suing PriinceBriightNation for guiding you to your near-death experience, thank you very much.
Breathe, and In The Name of All Things Pure, Let Others Breathe Too
Inflation rates have soared beyond expectations, I know, but before deciding to go out in public, you should be made aware that toothpaste still comes in affordable packs. And please be reminded that soap AND sponges are, in point of fact, NOT optional when having a bath. Yes, I am talking to you who threatened me not to tag you in this post. Only reason I’m not tagging you is that your gym membership has really paid off this year, so I’m choosing to respect myself.
Acknowledge the Bad … and the Good
So the year’s been rough with you, yes. But there are people who pray to be in your position right now. (Not you, Mike. Your life is practically over as it is and no one would blame you if you casually walked off a cliff. You’ve tried.) Don’t dare go into 2025 with an ungrateful heart. Think back to every battle you fought this year, and how you weathered them all. You’re still here, still standing! Or sitting. Or whatever you’re doing right now which I hope for your sakes you’ll be proud of if the trumpets sound right this second. Anyway, who’s to say your story can’t change when you least expect it to? So stay grateful and stay hustling, cos that’s how you build the doors opportunities will come knocking on in the coming year.
So, there you have it, Priince(sse)s.
All my love tor the 365 days to come.
Oh, and one more thing. In this next chapter, win. 🥂
PS, to show some love and support, kindly scroll down to the bottom of this page and subscribe. It only takes a working email address and literally five seconds of your time. (Yes, we checked!) And no, we won’t be spamming your mail in 2025. Promise. ♡♡♡